Paracha Chemini

Vayikra (Lévitique) 9:1-11-47 Haftarah: 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17 Évangile : Matthieu  3:11-17 Texte et résumé Chemini en bref Résumé des Aliyot Vidéo de la Paracha pour les enfants Yeshua HaMachiah dans…

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Paracha Tsav

Vayikra (Lévitique) 6:1-8:36 Haftarah: Malachie 3:4-24 Évangile : Matthieu  9:13-25 Texte et résumé Tsav en bref Résumé des Aliyot Vidéo de la Paracha pour les enfants Yeshua HaMachiah dans la…

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Paracha Vayikra

Vayikra (Lévitique) 1:1-5:26 Haftarah: Esaie 43:21-44:23 Évangile : Matthieu 5:23-30 Texte et résumé Vayikra en bref Résumé des Aliyot Vidéo de la Paracha pour les enfants Yeshua HaMachiah dans la…

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Paracha Terouma

Shémot (Exode) 25:1-27:19 Haftarah: Melachim I (1 Rois) 5:26-6:13 Évangile : Markos (Marc) 12:35-44 Texte et résumé Terouma en bref Résumé des Aliyot Vidéo de la Paracha pour les enfants…

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Paracha Michpatim

Shémot (Exode) 21:1-24:18 Haftarah: Melachim II (2 Rois) 11:17-12:17 Évangile : Mattityahu (Matthieu) 26:20-30 Texte et résumé Michpatim en bref Résumé des Aliyot Vidéo de la Paracha pour les enfants…

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Paracha: Yitro

Lecture de la Torah: Paracha: Shémot (Exode) 18:1-20:23 Haftarah: Yeshayahu (Esaïe) 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6 Évangile : Mattityahu (Matthieu) 19:16-26 Yitro en bref Yitro, Yithro, Yisroi, Yisrau ou Yisro (יִתְרוֹ, en hébreu…

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Paracha: Bo

Lecture de la Torah: Paracha: Shémot (Exode) 10:1-13:16 Haftarah: Yirmiyahu (Jérémie) 46:13-28 Évangile : Jean (Yochanan) 19:31-37 Bo en bref Bo (בֹּא - en hébreu, la forme de commandement de…

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Read more about the article Paracha: Miketz
Joseph, son of Jacob, had eleven brothers. The brothers resented him for being Jacob’s favorite. Jacob had given Joseph a coat of many colors. That angered the brothers. Joseph had two dreams. In each he was lifted high above the brothers. That made them angry. They sold him into slavery and told their father he was dead. Joseph ended up in the house of Potiphar. He was successful and honored in that house until Potiphar’s wife tried to persuade him to have an inappropriate relationship. He refused and she falsely accused him. Joseph landed in jail. He was there until Pharaoh had a dream and needed someone to interpret it. He called for Joseph. Joseph told him famine was coming to Egypt and what needed to be done to prepare. Again Joseph gained success and prominence in Egypt. His brothers came to buy grain. Joseph told them to return and bring back the youngest brother. He demanded one brother stay behind. He tested his brothers by hiding money in their grain bags. They returned the money. They did as instructed, brought back Benjamin. Again Joseph tested his brothers by hiding a goblet in Benjamin’s bag. When found, he insisted Benjamin stay behind. The brothers begged for mercy for their father’s sake. Joseph knew they had changed. He revealed his identity and was reunited with his brothers and father, Jacob.

Paracha: Miketz

Lecture de la Torah: Paracha: Béréchit (Genèse)  41:1-44:17 Haftarah: Yeshayah (Esaïe) 66:1-24 Évangile : Lukas (Luc) 24:13-29 Miketz en bref Miketz ou Mikeitz (מִקֵּץ - mot hébreu signifiant "à la…

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Paracha: Toldot

Lecture de la Torah: Paracha: Béréchit (Genèse)  25:19-28:9 Haftarah: Malachie 1:1-2:7 Évangile : Mattityahu (Matthieu) 10:21-38 Toldot en bref Toledot, Toldot, Toldos, ou Toldoth (תּוֹלְדֹת-Hébreu pour "générations" ou "descendants, "le…

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